Scott Bryant
Scott Bryant
Scott has been with Bale Boshev since 1989. Born and bred here in Newcastle, Scott says he will
retire and die here. He is a proud Novocastrian and is the Partner at the Belmont office, overseeing the day to day operations. He travels to see clients at the Hamilton office and the East Maitland office when required.
Scott commenced his legal career in 1976 in Newcastle as an Articled Clerk, subsequently started and completed the Solicitors Admission Board qualifications through the University of Sydney.
Scott has been practicing law for over 30 years specialising in Property and Wills and Estates law and ensures that his clients are always looked after and receive the best results whether they are buying a home for their family, doing a sub-division, or making a will.
Scott’s kind and compassionate approach to families who have lost a loved one makes the Probate
and Estates process easier for all involved.
Scott is a fan of all sports especially rugby league, cricket and horse racing and likes the odd bet and drink on a Saturday afternoon but abstains from alcohol for all of February each year – that being the shortest month of the year.