
Living Arrangements in Jointly Owned Homes

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Family Law

Living Arrangements in Jointly Owned Homes

In NSW, when a couple separates, determining who can live in a jointly owned home can be contentious. If one party is living in the property while the other vacates, the party remaining in the property will usually be required to be expenses including rates, mortgage payments, bills and maintenance costs.

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category 1

Documents lost to Wickham Fire

We wish to advise all clients of Bale Boshev Lawyers that many of our Security Documents, including WILLS, were held in storage at the Wickham Self Storage facility which was totally destroyed by fire on 1/3/22.

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Defacto law

Social Media’s Role in Family Law Proceedings

It is important to think twice before you send a text message or make a post on social media, and to think about the damage your social media could be making to your case or the potential case the other party could be building against you.

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Defacto law

White Ribbon Day 2021

We have seen a significant increase in domestic violence in Australia in the past year following the restrictions of movement imposed by the COVID pandemic and higher levels of unemployment and the lack of housing..

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Defacto law


For couples that have recently separated, either married or in a de facto relationship (conditions apply for de facto couples), you may be looking to move forward with your property settlement as quickly and cheaply as possible.

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Criminal Law

Christmas School Holidays Parenting

Some parents experience difficulties in reaching an agreement with the other parent about what time/s the child/ren will spend with each parent during the school holidays.

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Defacto law

Who gets the ring?

If you happen to make it down the aisle and then separate, then the ring could be treated as property and the rules afforded to the division of matrimonial assets under the Family Law Act may apply.

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Defacto law

Show me the Divorce

To get divorced in New South Wales you must first be eligible this means meeting several requirements. You must be able to prove that you are currently legally married, there has been a breakdown in your

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